Demystifying Mysticism with Molly MacCartney
Welcome back for another great conversation with Soul Time. Today I talked with friend Molly MacCartney and we dive into demystifying mysticism. We explore what intuition is and how we can use our intuition in our everyday lives to feel more grounded and supported. We will also learn more about Molly's story of how she awakened to her Mediumship path.
Molly MacCartney is a Master Intuitive and Practical Spirituality Teacher. It is through private readings, energy work and spiritual development programs, she helps clients and students make more powerful decisions and find access to inner peace no matter what they are dealing with on the earth plane. 
With over 20 years of dedication to this calling, it's her greatest joy to offer sacred space and a compassionate perspective in which you can experience guidance, healing and inspiration.
Molly had a great soul time talk, it was like two old school girls meeting at the park for a afternoon of great conversation.
Molly is located in Orlando, FL U.S.A and is available in person as well as worldwide via phone, video chat and online coursework.
"All things change according to the light that is shed upon them"
Visit Molly's website to learn more:
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